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Fortify & Thrive Course

Manage Stress
Increase Emotional Intelligence
Elevate Your Mindset

Fortify & Thrive Course establishes a foundation for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. The course includes once-weekly meetings with a combination of lecture and experiential learning activities. Topics focused on, but not limited to, will include:

  1. Increasing emotional intelligence—Recognize, understand, and manage the power of emotions.
  2. Mindset—The mind is the most powerful tool you have. Learn how to unleash the power of your mind and how to cultivate a positive mindset.
  3. Stress Management—Gain valuable insight into managing stress and reducing its negative impact on life.
  4. Wellness Foundations—Maximize your sleep, improve your diet, and move your body!
  5. Communication—Acquire effective techniques for building healthier relationships with family, coworkers, and friends.
  6. Resiliency—Discover practical ways to boost positivity through hope, gratitude, and connection.

“The Fortify and Thrive program was an eye opening and enlightening experience. It not only challenged me, but also gave me a lot more self-awareness and tools needed to overcome obstacles I was facing. After taking the course, I feel more empowered, resilient, and inspired to be the best version of myself. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to become more emotionally intelligent and unlock limitless potential. You will not regret it!”

Tori M.

Ready to take control?

Contact Annie today to get started on your wellness journey